26 fevereiro 2018

Atutürk: An Infographic on a Different Leader - By Vera Silva

In this post, we publish another infographic composed by student Vera Silva, on Atutürk.

Please respect authorship and cite this work using the following Bibliographical reference:

Silva, V. (2018). A Case Study on The leadership approach of Atutürk. Research oriented by PhD Patrícia Araújo within "Leadership and Negotiation" Curricular Unit and Presented at Ipam Leadership Challenge.2ª Ed. Porto: Portuguese Institute of Marketing and Administration.

Vera Silva-Atutürk_IPAM_Patricia Araujo Supervisor_Infographic

For a better Visualization, clique the image and then clique with right mouse button: >Save Image as , and store it in your PC/Mobile.

22 fevereiro 2018

Coco Chanel: An Infographic on Leadership By Vera Santos

In this post, we publish another infographic composed by student Vera Santos, on Coco Chanel.

Please respect authorship and cite this work using the following Bibliographical reference:

Santos, V. (2018). A Case Study on The leadership approach of Coco Chanel. Research oriented by PhD Patrícia Araújo within "Leadership and Negotiation" Curricular Unit and Presented at Ipam Leadership Challenge.2ª Ed. Porto: Portuguese Institute of Marketing and Administration.

For a better Visualization, clique the image and then clique with right mouse button: >Save Image as , and store it in your PC/Mobile.

Frida Kahlo: An infographic - By Mariana Oliveira

In this post, we publish another infographic composed by student Mariana oliveira, on Frida Kahlo.

Please respect authorship and cite this work using the following Bibliographical reference:

Oliveira, M. (2018). A Case Study on The leadership approach of Frida Kahlo. Research oriented by PhD Patrícia Araújo within "Leadership and Negotiation" Curricular Unit and Presented at Ipam Leadership Challenge.2ª Ed. Porto: Portuguese Institute of Marketing and Administration.

For a better Visualization, clique the image and then clique with right mouse button: >Save Image as , and store it in your PC/Mobile.

A Case Study on The leadership approach of Malala Yousafzai - By Anna Nápoles

In this post, we publish another infographic composed by student Anna Nápoles, on Malala's Leadership.

Please respect authorship and cite this work using the following Bibliographical reference:

Nápoles, A. (2018). A Case Study on The leadership approach of Malala yousafzai. Research oriented by PhD Patrícia Araújo within "Leadership and Negotiation" Curricular Unit and Presented at Ipam Leadership Challenge.2ª Ed. Porto: Portuguese Institute of Marketing and Administration.

For a better Visualization, clique the image and then clique with right mouse button: >Save Image as , and store it in your PC/Mobile.

08 fevereiro 2018



A REVISTA RH ONLINE Publicou ontem , dia 7 de Fevereiro de 2018, um artigo da Professora Doutora Patrícia Araújo com uma reflexão sobre vários temas ligados è liderança, incluindo o IPAM Leadership Challenge.

Patricia Araujo_Ipam_Leadership Challenge
Para ler o artigo Integral, clique abaixo: 


"Quando queremos inquirir alguém acerca do seu nível de língua inglesa, não lhes perguntamos: “És inglês”, nem “És licenciado em inglês?”. Quando queremos saber se a pessoa possui competências interpessoais, não lhes perguntamos: “És psicólogo?”, ou qualquer outra profissão humana. No entanto, quando se aborda competências de liderança, ainda somos tentados a viver num universo dicotómico, preto e branco, binário: “És um/a líder?”, ou ainda “És líder ou liderado?”, como se a questão fosse “ser ou não ser” " 

A Case Study on The leadership approach of Rui Nabeiro - An Infographic

In this post, we publish another infographic composed by student Ana Ribeiro, on Portuguese leader Rui Nabeiro.

Please respect authorship and cite this work using the following Bibliographical reference:

Ribeiro, A. (2018). A Case Study on The leadership approach of Rui Nabeiro. Research oriented by PhD Patrícia Araújo within "Leadership and Negotiation" Curricular Unit and Presented at Ipam Leadership Challenge.2ª Ed. Porto: Portuguese Institute of Marketing and Administration.

Ana RIbeiro_Rui Nabeiro_Infografico_IPAM_Patricia Araujo Supervisor

For a better Visualization, clique the image and then clique with right mouse button: >Save Image as , and store it in your PC/Mobile.

A Case Study on The Leadership Approach of 'The man behind the maple leaf: Justin Trudeau - an Infographic

In this post, we publish another infographic composed by student Daniel Barbosa, on leader Justin Trudeau.

Please respect authorship and cite this work using the following Bibliographical reference:

Barbosa, D. (2018). A Case Study on The leadership approach of 'The man behing the maple leaf: Justin Trudeau. Research oriented by PhD Patrícia Araújo within "Leadership and Negotiation" Curricular unit and Presented at Ipam Leadership Challenge.2ª Ed. Porto: Portuguese Institute of Marketing and Administration.

Justi Trudeau_IPAM_Infographic_Patricia Araujo SUpervisor

For a better Visualization, clique the image and then clique with right mouse button: >Save Image as , and store it in your PC/Mobile.

A Case Study on The leadership approach of 'The Peace Man': Paul David Hewson, Aka, Bono Vox- Case Study on The leadership approach of 'The man behing the maple leaf: Justin Trudeau - an Infographic

In this post, we publish another infographic composed by student Cátia Paiva, on Bono Vox.

Please respect authorship and cite this work using the following Bibliographical reference:

Paiva, C. (2018). A Case Study on The leadership approach of 'The Peace Man': Paul David Hewson, Aka, Bono Vox. Research oriented by PhD Patrícia Araújo at "Leadership and Negotiation" Curricular Unit and Presented at Ipam Leadership Challenge.2ª Ed. Porto: Portuguese Institute of Marketing and Administration.

Bono Vox_Catia Paixa_IPAM_PatriciaAraujo_Supervisor_Infographic

For a better Visualization, clique the image and then clique with right mouse button: >Save Image as , and store it in your PC/Mobile.